Octoprint 3D Printer Upgrade
The OctoPrint web interface allows for remote 3D printing and monitoring. Unable to find many Ender 2 Pro-specific mounting solutions for the required Raspberry Pi and camera, I designed my own. All files from this project are available on my GitHub here.
Using SolidWorks, I designed a shroud that hides the Raspberry Pi behind the 3D printer's screen while keeping all relevant ports accessible.

And a simple mount for the Raspberry Pi camera press-fits into the arm that holds the filament spool.

With the printed parts, the Pi and camera integrate nicely into the overall printer assembly. Passive cooling prevents the Pi from getting too hot, and the camera mount can be adjusted to make sure the print is in frame.

Octoprint allows for cool timelapses like this one, from my first job using OctoPrint: